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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

8-12 vector diary days


 This tutorial took us through some other important tools in Illustrator. Most tools used included color in some way. The gradient circle shows may shades of brown leading to the black center. Another part of this tutorial taught  us about layers. I put the bubbles I made and the green star on a separate layer allowing me to add  a visual effect.

new skills and processes
  • gradient tool
  • patterns
  • applying  patterns to other tools
  • grid
  • layers
self reflection

this time during the tutorial I understood everything, so i know what Im doing. 9/10

Thursday, November 11, 2010

brandon blaise _ spaceship

Following the tutorial proved challenging. I had a hard time with a lot of things, one being time, another being a difficulty understanding the tutorial. Time really brought down my ability to fix some things on the ship itself. 
New skills and processes
  • gradient tool
  • subtract from shape process.
  • curving the straight lines.
This project taught me the skills I listed above. I am starting to understand how to put different things together to make a larger picture or idea. I tried to make my spaceship a little unique by being creative, but still using the guidelines of the tutorial. I would grade myself a  8/8.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Illustrator shapes

Project description    

I used the templates to draw most of the things in the project. Other things in this project didn't need  a template and were created using the shape tools. The templates I used were from the online tutorial from www.Vectordiary.com

New skills, Processes
  • Pen tool
  • Shape tool
  • Pencil tool
  • Star tool
  • Text tool
  • Direct selection tool 
  • Movement tool

Self Reflection
From this project i learned a lot, but above all over the course of this project I gained a good idea of how to use the pen tool. i discovered tracing was a good way of getting a drawing of something onto the page. I also got a good grip on the pencil tool when I drew the hands. i would grade myself 9/9. On this project because there are still somethings I can improve.